Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"My Dog Rescued Me!" with Eric Roberts

"My Dog Rescued Me!" with Eric Roberts

Eric Roberts is so passionate about dogs, even while he is in the midst of literally doZens of movies in 2013,  and his carreer continues to soar he still makes time to help make a difference saving lives, one dog at a time!

"Practically everyone's on head meds these days, and I'm as worried and frustrated as the next guy."
"But there is great joy in life as well, and our dogs, cats, squirrels, raccoons, horses and birds have rescued me from seeing and living life in a melancholy way.
I have learned appreciation from the animal members of our family, and from animals I encounter in daily life.  They are my heroes." -Eric Roberts

These days Eric and Eliza live with a house full of rescued animals - three dogs, four cats, and two horses. “All of our babies are rescues.  Every one of them,” says Eric.  “We consider all our animals to be our kids.”
“Rescuing animals is the only way to go. The earth is a great big orphanage for most animals.  And I’m all for spaying and neutering.  There are already 2 billion people too many on this planet, and god knows how many animals there are that are overflowing.  It’s an instinct to breed so we have to help them not do it. There are animals that are bred to be sold, but all the other animals need love too.  They don’t have any papers and they don’t have any history, so people who don’t love animals for all the right reasons don’t gravitate towards them.  But if you love animals for all the right reasons- and that’s just love and affection- then you’re going to go after animals who need you.  That’s an animal without a home, or without papers, or without a breed. Those animals, some might say, that are less than perfect. "

Eric is our favorite animal advocate, who knows first hand how rescue dogs actually make a difference in our lives and actually rescue us!

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